Drilling Class 基礎柔術動作課程
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BJJ 巴西柔術
← Back to timetable 巴西柔術是一項武術,它包括將你的對手帶至地面,實施地面技術控制對手,並能運用不同的絞技 手臂十字固以及腳鎖等多樣技巧制伏對手。 在BJJ課程中,我們穿著正規的道服以及腰帶。 BJJ巴西柔術課程並不包含站立打擊,所以它是非常安全的一門課。 BJJ is a martial art which involves taking your opponent to the ground, controlling them while they are there and working towards being able to submit them [...]
BJJ Beginners 道服柔術初階
← Back to timetable 道服柔術初階-這是針對巴西柔術初學者設計的一門課程,在無任何柔術經驗前提,我們將會在每節課程教學基本柔術動作以及概念,確保初階學員能在安全的情況下在每堂課程結束時學會一點柔術基本技巧及防身。 在這節課上不需要進行實戰,你將能以簡易緩慢而可控的速度學習技巧。 課堂前幾堂如果沒有準備道服穿著,也是可以加入課程的. BJJ Beginners - This is BJJ for beginners, each class will assume that you have no prior knowledge of BJJ and we will teach a small aspect of [...]
← Back to timetable Sparring is when you and your opponent are both trying to win at the same time, it’s still very safe. We train in a way where both people can get good [...]