FAQ 常見問答集
BJJ is a martial art which involves taking your opponent to the ground, controlling them while they are there and working towards being able to submit them with a variety of chokes and arm/leg locks. During the BJJ classes we wear a traditional gi and belt. There are no strikes at all in BJJ, its very safe.
巴西柔術是一項武術,它包括將你的對手帶至地面,實施地面技術控制對手,並能運用不同的絞技 手臂十字固以及腳鎖等多樣技巧制伏對手。 在BJJ課程中,我們穿著正規的道服以及腰帶。 BJJ巴西柔術課程並不包含站立打擊,所以它是非常安全的一門課。
Training Jiu Jitsu with us is incredibly safe, all of our members train in a way that always keeps their partners safe. We are all friends here at Catch Jiu Jitsu and making sure no one gets hurt is always our top priority. 我們道館的柔術訓練是非常安全的,我們規劃課程的最大宗旨就是確保所有的成員在有趣的訓練中保護彼此安全。 在這裡我們都是朋友,確保沒有人在訓練中受傷永遠是我們的首要任務。
You can come to all classes, the sparring class however is only for people who are ready to spar. 你可以參加所有的課程,但是,實戰課程只適合準備好進行實戰的學員。
For your first class you can wear shorts or pants (without any zippers) and a tight fitting t-shirt. For the BJJ classes we wear a gi, but you can borrow until you decide to get one of your own. 第一次上課你可以穿著運動短褲或長褲(不帶拉鍊或金屬裝飾)和緊身運動上衣。 對於BJJ道服課程,我們穿的是道服,但你可以向我們租借道服,直到你决定買一個屬於自己的。
Kids can start as young as 5 years old, we feel by this time most kids are ready to learn. 幾歲可以加入兒童班? 孩子們可以從5歲開始學習,以我們的教學經驗 大多數孩子在這個年齡已經具備良好的學習能力
Of course, we have kids classes. Jiu Jitsu is amazing for kids, it helps them stay active, get fit, gain confidence and many other great benefits. 當然,我們有兒童班。 柔術對孩子們來說是一項很棒的訓練體能以及防身運動,能幫助孩子們保持活力,保持健康,獲得自信,還有許多其他的好處。
This is BJJ for beginners, each class will assume that you have no prior knowledge of BJJ and we will teach a small aspect of it so that by the end of the class you will be able to do a little bit of BJJ. Sparring during this class is not required and you are able to just learn the technique at a slow and controlled pace. It won’t matter too much if don’t have a gi for your first few classes.
道服柔術初階–這是針對巴西柔術初學者設計的一門課程,在無任何柔術經驗前提,我們將會在每節課程教學基本柔術動作以及概念,確保初階學員能在安全的情況下在每堂課程結束時學會一點柔術基本技巧及防身。 在這節課上不需要進行實戰,你將能以簡易緩慢而可控的速度學習技巧。 課堂前幾堂如果沒有準備道服穿著,也是可以加入課程
Sub Grappling (Submission grappling) is a form of BJJ in which we try to use the techniques of BJJ but while we are not wearing the gi. A tight fitting shirt and shorts are usually worn. There are no strikes during submission grappling but all submissions can be used.
無道服降伏–無道服降伏課程是巴西柔術的另一種形式,在無道服的情況下練習地面技術。 通常穿緊身運動上衣及短褲訓練。 無道服課程不包含打擊技術,主要以多種地面降伏技術以及控制教學。
MMA Grappling is using the techniques of BJJ but while not wearing the gi and being mindful of which of these techniques would be best while using it against an opponent who is trying to strike you as well as grapple. Examples of this sort of grappling can be seen in MMA promotions like the UFC. Training is done at a safe and controlled way and is really safe.
格鬥柔術 是一門結合巴西柔術技巧與格鬥的課程,全程無道服,課程以如何使用柔術抵抗打擊技術的攻擊或結合地面技術控制並增加地面打擊率。 這種格鬥與柔術的結合的例子我們常見於熱門綜合格鬥大型國際賽事,例如:UFC。 培訓過程中皆以安全且有效的控制管道進行課程,且非常安全。
Of course, we have a lot of girls who train. Some are very experienced and some are beginners but they are all very friendly. 當然,我們也有很多女孩在訓練。 有些人有豐富的柔術經驗,有些人是初學者,但他們都是很友善的訓練夥伴。
The coach will tell you when he thinks you are ready to spar. Once you have shown you understand the basics of Jiu Jitsu and are safe and ready then you will be allowed to try sparring. 教練會藉由你的訓練評估你什麼時候準備好進入實戰訓練。 一旦你的訓練表現出你瞭解柔術的基本知識以及安全的重要性,那麼你就可以嘗試實戰練習了。
Sparring is when you and your opponent are both trying to win at the same time, it’s still very safe. We train in a way where both people can get good at the same time. 實戰訓練是模擬比賽訓練 你和你的對手都試圖使用柔術技術贏得獲勝,它同時也是是非常安全的。 藉由實戰的訓練模式能讓兩個人都能同時取得更好的進步也是課堂技巧的驗收。
Wrestling is the art of taking your opponent to the ground using a series of controls and takedowns and then controlling your opponent on the ground. Takedowns are really useful for any type of grappling as all fights start on the feet in real life. Wrestling classes can be attended in shorts and tight fitting t-shirt. 角力訓練 是一門著重於有效的控制技巧和方法抱摔對手在地的競技運動。 在現實生活中,所有的格鬥都是從站立開始,因此,在常見任何類型的格鬥中,角力都是非常實用的。 角力課程可以穿著短褲和緊身上衣參與。