TN BJJ 巴西柔術
Coach Dan
巴西柔術是一項武術,它包括將你的對手帶至地面,實施地面技術控制對手,並能運用不同的絞技 手臂十字固以及腳鎖等多樣技巧制伏對手。 在BJJ課程中,我們穿著正規的道服以及腰帶。 BJJ巴西柔術課程並不包含站立打擊,所以它是非常安全的一門課。
BJJ is a martial art which involves taking your opponent to the ground, controlling them while they are there and working towards being able to submit them with a variety of chokes and arm/leg locks. During the BJJ classes we wear a traditional gi and belt. There are no strikes at all in BJJ, its very safe.
Next 5 Classes
- Sparring Class 實戰訓練Thursday 四 (03/13), 8:30 pm - 9:30 pmCoach Dan
- BJJ 巴西柔術Friday 五 (03/14), 8:30 pm - 9:30 pmCoach Charles
- Jiu Jitsu Preparation 基礎柔術動作(3-6歲)Saturday 六 (03/15), 11:00 am - 11:50 am
- GI SPARRING CLASS 實戰訓練(道服)Saturday 六 (03/15), 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm
- Drilling Class 基礎柔術動作課程Sunday 日 (03/16), 10:00 am - 11:00 am